Understanding Communication According Experts Harold Lasswell :
Who Says What In Which Channel to Whom With What Effect?
Siapa Mengatakan Apa Dengan Saluran Apa Kepada Siapa Dengan Pengaruh Bagaimana?
Communication is two verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication is a process of communication using symbols. for example, as a symbol of the Latin alphabet, mathematical symbols, and there are also local symbols that can only be understood by certain community groups. While non-verbal communication is the process of communication by using sign language or languages (silent language), as well as body language (body language).
What is Business ?
“Business is the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell for a provit, the goods and services that satisfy societies needs. The general term business refer to all such efforts within a society or within an industry."
Bisnis ialah suatu kegiatan usaha individu yang terorganisasi untuk menghasilkan dan menjual barang dan jasa guna mendapatkan keuntungan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan ada dalam industri. Orang yang mengusahakan uang dan waktunya dengan menanggung resiko dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis disebut Entrepreneur.
Rosenbalt stated (1982:7) that...
What is Business Communication ?
“Business Communication are purposive interchange of ideas, opinions, information, instructions, and the like, presented personally or impersonally by symbols or signal as attain the goals of the organizations”
Komunikasi Bisnis adalah pertukaran ide-ide opini, informasi, instruksi dan sejenisnya, yang dikemukakan baik secara personal ataupun nonpersonal melalui simbol atau tanda, untuk mencapai tujuan- tujuan perusahaan.
A circle of good communication...
All great leaders and great organisations have a way of communication. Great leaders do not start with what they do, how they do and why they do it. They start with why they are doing something, how they do that thing and then what they do. This is called the Golden circle of communication.
All the organisations know what they do, it could be something like providing services, manufacturing products or anything. Some of them know how they do it, this includes what is their unique selling point and how it affects other people. But very few of them define why they do it.
link : retrieved on http://enterprise.shef.ac.uk/2011/11/golden-circle-communication-great-leaders-do
Melia Cholilah