Kamis, 14 November 2013

Jurnalistik 1, Opini

Pentingnya Sastra di Sebuah Kehidupan Bangsa

Frankfurt Book Fair merupakan pameran buku terbesar di dunia, juga salah satu event budaya paling penting di Eropa. Diselenggarakan sekali setahun. Pameran ini menjadi perhatian ribuan media dan publik di negara-negara internasional.

Ribuan penerbit dan perusahaan media dari seluruh dunia menghadirinya. Jumlah pengunjung sampai ratusan ribu. Pameran buku paling bersejarah, merupakan tempat bertemunya ribuan pustakawan, penerjemah, penerbit, pencetak, wartawan, budayawan, seniman, sarjana, dan tentu saja sastrawan dari seluruh dunia. Sastra akan menjadi fokus utama pameran buku ini. 
Mengapa sastra yang menjadi fokus utama di sana? Karena dunia mengukur peradaban sebuah bangsa itu melalui novel yang ditulis para sastrawan. High level culture is high level novel. Mengapa? Sebab melalui bacaan itulah orang dari berbagai negara bisa mengetahui watak dan jati diri manusia dalam sebuah bangsa secara lebih jujur dan utuh. Ada watak dan peristiwa di dalamnya, juga pembaca bisa menenggelamkan diri ke dalam jiwa dan batin manusia Indonesia yang nyata.

Di dalamnya ada cita-cita manusianya, perjuangannya, cinta, iman, tanggung jawab, persahabatan, kebebasan, kehormatan, dan lain-lain. Hal ini tidak bisa ditemukan pada bacaan lain semisal buku politik, sejarah, bahkan antropologi atau buku seni lain. Melalui novel, segala permasalahan kemanusiaan yang lebih dalam dan lebih kompleks akan mampu diketahui oleh pembaca dengan lebih tenang dan jernih.
Puisi juga ada dalam posisi yang sama. Bahkan, isi puisi lebih menampilkan semangat, spirit, keindahan bahasa, dan kreativitas manusia dalam sebuah bangsa. Hanya bedanya, puisi itu di mana saja di dunia ini, ia hanya bisa dinikmati oleh sedikit orang saja. Lain dengan novel yang lebih banyak orang bisa menikmatinya.

Oleh karena itu, novel lah akhirnya yang menjadi primadona. Film atau teater bisa saja mengambil peran yang sama dalam konteks ini, tetapi ia tidak bisa dibolak-balik, dibaca-baca ulang dengan mudah bagian-bagian pentingnya untuk direnungkan, sebagaimana watak sebuah buku. Sayangnya diIndonesia sastra sepertinya hanya dipandang dengan sebelah mata saja.

Saya pikir, dunia kesastraan menjadi salah satu acuan orang-orang di dunia untuk mengembangkan imajinasinya untuk semakin lebih berkarya di dunia. Dalam menciptakan berbagai macam karya sastra yang dapat di nikmati oleh ribuan bahkan semua orang di seluruh dunia. (imel)

melia cholilah
14611411 - 3SA04

Rabu, 06 November 2013

5 Beautiful Place in London

As we know, London is the largest city and most populous metropolitan area in the United Kingdom. If we talk about London that so many actris or actor was born in there, As the center of England, London certainly save a lot of history and interesting places to visit. If you have the opportunity to come to London, there are 5 interesting places here and there are so many tourism objects that we can visit, actually I really wanna go there, then you can be visited too. Here we go!!!

1. London Tower

Tower of London is located in central London is a historical relic and has served the royal family for hundreds of years. Besides this tower was once a prison, armory and even a zoo. The tower is also home to the royal crown that you can see. The tower is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00 pm local time. With an entrance fee of 17 euros (about USD 230.000) you could visit one place that is visited by many tourists. In there, you can take many picture with your friends or you beloved.

2. Hampton Court Palace

In that place, we can see a great view, Hampton Court palace is the former residence of the flamboyant King Henry VIII. He expanded and developed this grand palace after acquiring it in the 1520s. Royal palace located in southwest London's many stunning palace furnishings, tapestries and paintings. In it there is also a garden area of ​​60 hectares which include the famous maze and Great Vine. The palace is open daily from 10:00 to 18:00 pm local time beginning. With spending 14 euros (around Rp.190.000), you can walk around in the palace.

3. Thames River

A cruise down the River Thames is one of the best ways to see London. You can see the sights and splendor of this great city with the comfort of a cruise ship. All boats have open upper decks and spacious lower saloons with panoramic windows. These vessels operate daily starting at 10:00 local time and you live to spend money 13.5 euros (around Rp.183.000) you can too be able to go there and see the spectacular views of the city. For enjoying the beautiful sunset that people always go there to see the sunset, you should go there early around 5 p.m because if you go in the evening.

4. Tower Bridge in London

A structure and the most impressive sites in the capital, Tower Bridge in London has stood in the River Thames since 1894 and is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world. Here you can see the mechanisms and information panels explain about the technology used for years to keep the Tower Bridge move. You can visit this place every day from 10:00 to 18:30 pm with pay 7 euros (about Rp.95.000). what a beautiful view at the tower bridge, its cute to make a dinner in there.

5. Windsor Castle

The last is Fortress Windsor this place is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. The fort was built 900 years ago and the floor covering 480.00 square meters. The fort is surrounded by a beautiful garden and views of the village. The fort is located on the outskirts of London, and you can get there about 30 minutes from Paddington Train Station. The fort is open daily from 9:45 to 17:15 pm local time with a 16 euro entrance fee (around Rp.220.000). Beside it has function as a tourism object, Then, visitors can enjoy the view.
Melia Cholilah

Conversation between Tour Guide and Tourist

holiday on Indonesia, West Sumatra, Pariaman ( Tabuik Party )

Tour Guide : Good Morning, excuse me, are you Mrs. Nourma from America?

Mrs. Nourma : yes I’m Mrs. Nourma, who are you?

Tour Guide : Let me introduce my self, I’m Imel, I stayed here waiting you. I’m your guide during you stay in Pariaman especially in Gondariah Beach. I hope you can enjoy and having fun with me.

Mrs. Nourma : ohh yes of course, thankyou Imel. I need your help to introduce me about what the traditional activities in here, I often hear from my friend, like Tabuik Party.

Tour guide : yes mam, my pleasure.. today there is one celebration that is held annually in the Islamic new year, party tabuik held along the waterfront.

Mrs. Nourma : wow, that so special ya. Tabuik party just held in Pariaman?

Tour guide : yes mam, btw have you ever come to here before? A lot of foreign tourist come to here especially in Gondariah beach just want to know Tabuik party in every Moslem new year, because only Indonesia whom have a great tradional activity, especially in here, West Sumatra, Pariaman.

Mrs. Nourma : No, we haven’t. this is the first time I come to Indonesia. Actually, I'd like to see the tabuik here, but I don’t know what is the use and meaning of the tabuik party?

Tour guide : yes mam, I will tell you.. (the picture shows) I have the picture of it that i taken last year .. "tabuik it was a wooden crate box lined with gold. paraded by citizen of pariaman, near gondariah beach, replica tall tower made ​​of bamboo, wood, rattan, and various kinds of ornaments.

Mrs. Nourma : it’s amazing.. I’m so interested that you explained to me and really curious to see, so.. what time is tabuik party carried on? May I take picture with tabuik tomorrow?

Tour guide : of course mam, I will help you to take your picture.. Tabuik party will be held at 12.00 till end tomorrow, Tabuik celebration held every Muharram 1 to 10. And will be a lot of street vendors along the waterfront. So, have you ever seen it?

Mrs. Nourma : no, i never at all, then .. whether tabuik this can be watched by everyone?

Tour guide : of course mam.. you can.. we will see this original traditional activities that just at pariaman city.

Mrs. Nourma :ohh, yes.. that why I really want to see this activities.. so, from what is tabuik made? And Hhw many people who carry large logs? Haha

Tour guide : hmm.. Tabuik large umbrella is decorated by peaks wrapped in velvet cloth and decorative paper, patterned carvings. Plugged in on the umbrella white dove statue. Tabuik leg consists of four wooden cross beams with a length of about 20 meters. The blocks used for hauling and menghoyak Tabuik raised by about 100 citizen of here.

Mrs. Nourma : ohh, now I know, thayou imel.. so, whether this party is just in here?

Tour guide : yes, you are right mam.. this traditional activity only in pariaman. then, Why do you prefer the city to the west Sumatran that you traveled mam?

Mrs. Nourma : I was recommended by my friend over there who said in many western Sumatra has unique characteristics, such as this tabuik party. So.. When the most of visitors come to here?

Tour guide : The visitors usually come to here when they get weekend or holiday of student, and the end of the year like you that coincides with the celebration of the Islamic New Year and the invented tabuik party. Have you gotten a lodging in here?

Mrs. Nourma : Yes, we have. We have been getting a hotel. It is Flaminggo Hotel, I choose this hotel because beside gandoriah beach.

Tour guide : Wow that’s a luxury hotel and the best hotel in here. Along the side of beach, there are so many lodgings from a youth hotel, a motel until luxury hotels are served for visitors. It depends on you what will you choose.

Mrs. Nourma : so.. today I’m so tired, because I had just a little around the city.

Tour guide : Okay mam, prepare yourself to see tabuik party tomorrow. Hope you enjoy it with me..

Mrs. Nourma : yappp of course dear. I will take a rest in hotel. Tomorrow I will be nice to see it. Do you want to accompany with me again?

Tour guide : okay no problem mam, it is my pleasureee. Of course! Take care and enjoy your holiday in this city. If you want a favor, you can call me tomorrow morning, and we will see together that party.

Melia Cholilah