Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

The Differences of Five Translation Machines

(+) Systran is a translation machine both server-based and cloud-based, systran allows pages to be translated while using Internet Explorer or Firefox. This translation machine allows translator to work faster and also collaborate more efficiently with multiple translators. Each language pair is available for purchase. On the free translation web page, a free translation of up to 750 characters is offered. By using systran translation machine, just by opening the link then it is directly open a column to translate. as well as google translate is easy to run. no need to download the application first.

(-) systran translation does not always check every translation, and just like a normal translation. its about speeh-to-text in translating. many languages that included in here, but just indonesian is not included.

(+)  Ginger Software uses patented software algorithms that deal with natural language processing. a text-to-speech function that enables users to hear sentences before and after correction. the advantage in using machine translation is certainly ginger can facilitate the beginners in translating. it can be used anywhere. if we open Microsoft Word, already there is a direct translation of G icon in this program, it can detect your grammar spelling in every sentence in Miscrosoft word. This is helpful for newbie, students, employees, office workers and all for those who use to write the documents. After installing this on your computer, you easily can check your grammar and spell your subject translation. 

(-)  some deficiencies in using ginger machine translation is need a very long time to download the application, because it needs an Internet connection first. Sometimes it takes time to check the translation results that contained in the file or text. but the other reason does not exist, it just not as sophisticated as other machine translation. ginger is just easier to interpret it.

3. SDL
(+)  This translation machine is fast and inexpensive translations, it is one of most popular site for translating. the translator is manually and easily can translate their subject, simply by opening the link to access the website, the work program of machine translation can running. the ease of machine translation can also be translated simply by downloading the files that exist in the source language column. files to be downloaded can also be derived from the pdf and text in other forms though limit in megabyte.

(-)  unknown sharing of the information and accuracy of translated material (text) depending on word ordering of original text. this translation machine is lack of efficiency of the generated code. It is not enough in supporting for complex data type, and hardware interface descriptions.

(+)  Overall, the advantage of working this translation machine with short segments is that the shorter the segments , the higher the probability to encounter in the just to translate the text or in future translations. The first thing to do when Trados to translate a text from the source text into TL, this translation is automatic and depends on the punctuation mark from, but the translator has the ability to extend this sections. This depends on the type of text, or the personal preferences of the translator. Trados translates based on memories, which are pairs of sentences of the source and target languages.

(-)  trados deficiency is must download the application in order to translate the text that will be published. less simple, and too difficult for beginners to do the translation, this machine translation often results in careless and increases the risk of omitting a sentence or a word. The situation becomes even worse if you get written on paper the translation. this constantly forced to look up from the blade and the to focus eyes on the computer. 

(+)  the strenght of this translation machine is all document in one place, there is translation memories that can save your assignment. all common file formats supported. this machine is professional in translating. you can inssert any data in there to be translated, the system instantly translates all identical source texts anywhere else in the text. A real time saver. You even do not have to push a button, it is all automatic when you save a segment, an entire page, when you switch between pages, etc.

(-)  wordbee smoothly integrates with browser spell-checkers. but not all spells that we want can be detected, so we have to find the meaning and fill the subject that should be translated. this translation machine needs one of the newer web browsers, such as Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.5 or Chrome 3, Safari 4 to use it. Wordbee works with PCs, Macs or Linux systems. An average computer is sufficient. i havent download this program, because it always ask me account to log in, and it takes to long to download it.

source links:
3. or

softskill assignment (2)

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